UPMC Enterprises, Pittsburgh PA
Data Engineer Summer Associate (June 2024-August 2024)
Created API client applications that fix ingestion errors in a specific database. Utilized AWS Glue and AWS Cloud Development Kit to automate API client processes. Used tools such as Data Wrangler to manipulate data, and Power BI to create data analysis visuals. Everyday use of version control, test driven development, and Agile Software Development
Textron Systems, Hunt Valley MD
Software Engineer Intern (May 2023-August 2023)
Worked on the OSRVT product: A Remote Video Terminal (RVT) that receives imagery and metadata from Unmanned Air Vehicles (UAV). Worked closely with Ubuntu in which the OSRVT software ran on. Daily use of Jira and Mercurial. Worked collaboratively with the Air Systems Software team to complete Regression and Integration Testing. Bug fix support for the OSRVT product (C++)